Social Work in Military Setting


  • Sásik Csaba alezredes



social work, physical, mental and societal welfare, systems approach, interdisciplinary team work, characteristics of a totalitarian organization, dual professional identity


One of the key elements of the success of a complex modernization program covering the entire defence sector is the availability of adequate quantity and quality of human resources. Staffing is provided in a highly competitive labor market by attracting members of a target population (generations X, Y and Z) with significantly different characteristics compared to previous generations. In addition to recruitment activities, the organisation’s ability to retain manpower has become extremely valuable in terms of the cost-effective organizational operation of armed forces. An important subsystem of sector-level efforts to increase retention is the human services (family support) system, which provides personal social services to personnel. In terms of its goals, orientation, and tools, the professional activity carried out within the framework of the human service system is fully equivalent to the social work known or recognized in the civil sphere (Military Social Work, which has been officially recognized in the US military since 1945). The author describes the nature of military social work, utilizing a multidisciplinary-based framework of general social work and the knowledge of the inner functioning of the army as a totalitarian societal organization. The aim of the study is to help to strengthen the professional identity of military social work, clarify its competence boundaries, take stock of its objectives and tools, and contribute to the effective cooperation of the military’s supporting subsystems (social work, health care, psychology etc.) that are provided to the personnel and their family members.

Információk a szerzőről

Sásik Csaba alezredes

PhD candidate, Doctoral School of Military Sciences, National University of Public Service, Budapest; HDF Transformation Command, Scientific Research Centre


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Hogyan kell idézni

Sásik, C. (2022). Social Work in Military Setting. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 149(1-2.), 80–91.

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Command Training

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