The Honvédségi Szemle is the professional, scientific journal of the Hungarian Defence Forces. Our journal is recognized as a category ‘A’ benchmark scientific publication by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and is published six times a year. The Honvédségi Szemle’s English-language permanent special issue is the Hungarian Defence Review, two issues of which are published annually in the edition HDF Transformation Command, Defence Forces Scientific Research Centre.
Our journals are members of the European Military Press Association (EMPA).
The predecessors of the Honvédségi Szemle are Ludovica Academia Közlönye, Magyar Katonai Közlöny, Magyar Mars, Magyar Katonai Szemle, Honvéd, Katonai Szemle, Honvédelem, Új Honvédségi Szemle.
The Honvédségi Szemle can be purchased at a price of 600 Forints in the showroom of the Zrínyi Publish House (1024 Budapest, Fillér utca 14.) and in the HM Zrínyi Kft. webshop (www.hmzrinyi.hu).