Force Development for Preserving Peace


  • Tibor Benkő



National Defence and Military Development Program, force development, human resources, military capability, modern equipment, career path model, military career guidance, preparation


Based on public opinion survey data, Hungarian citizens have a clear need and expectation for living in peace and security. Therefore, bearing in mind the rapidly and sharply changing security challenges in the world, our country must be able to preserve peace, security, and stability continuously and under all circumstances. The Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) have a main role in fulfilling the citizens’ needs and expectations, as well as Hungary’s effective defence policy. We can face the challenges of our time and efficiently manage the risks and dangers that have arisen only with well-equipped armed forces that are supplied with modern weapons, material stocks of adequate quantity and quality, as well as excellently trained and loyal soldiers who are committed to their country. In his study, the author reviews the previous situation and condition of the Hungarian Defence Forces, then analyses the reasons for launching the Military Development Program, as well as its international and domestic circumstances. He presents the issues of strategic command and control, followed by the characteristics and concrete stages of the military career path model. Finally, he assesses the results achieved so far in the field of force development and outlines the remaining tasks.

Információk a szerzőről

Tibor Benkő

Former Chief of the HDF General Staff (6 June 2010–16 May 2018) and minister of defence (2018–2022), private professor at the National University of Public Service


Laws, decisions, regulations

• 24/2016. (22/12) MoD Decree on the Rules of Procedure related to Defence Health Impairment Benefits.

• 25/2018. (31/10) Parliamentary decision on the detailed breakdown of the manpower structure of the Hungarian Defence Forces. Hungarian Gazette No. 168,

jogszabaly?docid=A18H0025.OGY. (31/10). • Act CLXVII of 2011 on the Termination of Early Retirement Pensions, on Benefits Prior to Retirement and on Service Allowances

• Act CXIV of 2018 on the Legal Status of Defence Employees. Legislative database.

• Act XCIII of 2021 on the Coordination of Defence and Security Activities. Articles 5 and 7 of the Act on the Coordination of Defence and Security Activities.

• Act CXL of 2021 on National Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces § 13 (3).

• Act CXL of 2021 on National Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces, Annex 2. National Legislation Database.

• Fundamental Law of Hungary. 25/04/2011 Article XXIX (1). Legislative database.

• Government Decree No. 129/2022 (05/04) amending Government Decree No. 423/2012 (29/12) on higher education admission procedure. Hungarian Gazette No. 62, 5 April 2022, 2215.

Books, periodicals, publications

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Internet sources

• 5th Fond group, educational institutes,

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• Available and eligible grants:

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Hogyan kell idézni

Benkő, T. (2024). Force Development for Preserving Peace. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 152(1-2), 38–63.

Folyóirat szám


Force Development