Introduction Possibilities of Increased Environment Protection Aspects in the Development Process of Armed Forces: Security, Environment Security and Research & Development Perspectives


  • Szilágyi Tibor ezredes



security, environmental security, defence related research development and innovation


The environmental security as a new and increasingly important dimension of security and the holistic approach relating to its handling are informing more and more the security-related thinking and activities of states, international stake holders and non-governmental organisations. It represents a special level of maturity and the increasing responsibility of human society when individuals and their groups of various size, perceiving the effects of the environment and human activities on each other, are eager to act in an organised and coordinated manner for stopping disadvantageous processes and eliminating the damage caused. The effects of environmental security on research, development, and innovation activities are increasing in proportion to the intensity of effects of environment and humans on each other. In case of militaries, those new or increasingly predominating environmental effects which influence the implementation of operations push the defence-related research, development, and innovation capacities of the defence sphere towards procedural, material, and technological reforms. The author’s goal was to explore the relevant relations/connections between the environmental security trends and the contiguous capability development of armies.

Információk a szerzőről

Szilágyi Tibor ezredes

PhD candidate, Military Technical Doctoral School, University of Public Service, Budapest; Senior Mentor General Staff Training Institute Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, University of Public Service


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Hogyan kell idézni

Szilágyi, T. (2022). Introduction Possibilities of Increased Environment Protection Aspects in the Development Process of Armed Forces: Security, Environment Security and Research & Development Perspectives. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 149(1-2.), 47–63.