Keeping out others – the Modern System of Anti-Access/Area Denial Weapons


  • Roland Kiss



anti-access/area-denial, A2/AD, missiles, operational concept


Anti-access/area-denial systems and operational concepts or strategies are the products of the technological evolution of weapons. However, some of them already existed before, and the advent of modern, long range and sophisticated missiles became real game changers. With these weapons put in a well-planned system, a credible deterrence and defence potential can be provided, or the restriction of the use of domains like air, sea, or land of other countries. This article presents these weapons and the most developed of such systems.

Információk a szerzőről

Roland Kiss

PhD, HDF Transformation Command, Scientific Research Centre


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Hogyan kell idézni

Kiss, R. (2022). Keeping out others – the Modern System of Anti-Access/Area Denial Weapons. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 149(1-2.), 20–34.