Changes in the migration trends from West-Africa to Europe


  • Mariann Vecsey



international migration, Central Mediterranean route, Italy, Libya, Mali, Niger, West African route


For a long time, the Central Mediterranean migration route was the most popular among those which went to the European Union from Africa. However, data from 2018 show that the trend is about to turn, and the Western Mediterranean route to Spain is about to become the most popular. Changes in Italy, the entering point to Europe presumably means changes in the African internal routes as well. This article intends to track the reasons which could affect the migratory pattern to the EU. The research focuses on the condition changes along the Central Mediterranean route, from Italy, to Mali. The article aims to sum up both the political and security domains, including the CSDP missions and operation from the southern border of the EU to the heart of West Africa.

Információk a szerzőről

Mariann Vecsey

Vecsey Mariann százados a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Doktori Iskolájának, valamint az  Európai Közös Biztonság- és Védelempolitika Doktori Iskolájának doktorandusza.




Hogyan kell idézni

Vecsey, M. (2020). Changes in the migration trends from West-Africa to Europe. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 147(1–2), 99–116.