The First United Nations Chiefs of Defence Conference (2015) – Results and Experiences


  • Dr. Orosz Zoltán altábornagy


United Nations, peacekeeping, conference of CoDs, security challenges, international stabilization mechanisms


By now the United Nations’ peacekeeping activities have become one of the most effective tools of the international community, which is operating to limit the burst of conflicts and restore peace. But what is the measure of success? How can one determine that a United Nations mission achieved its purpose? Not only the UN analyzed the factors and conditions of success, but also many other researchers had interest in clarifying the terms of the success itself. In my analysis, besides summarizing the experience of the first United Nations Chiefs of Defence Conference in 2015, I highlight significant security threats and problems of the 21st century and present the United Nations operations’ success and failure factors. My other objective is to point out that promptly planned missions and rapidly deployed United Nations forces can significantly lower the level of intervention and the associated resource requirements during the management of a region’s conflicts.

Információk a szerzőről

Dr. Orosz Zoltán altábornagy

is the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces, holding his doctoral degree in Military Sciences from the National University of Public Service since 2012. As Deputy Chief of Staff, he is the Head of the Scientific Committee of the General Staff of HDF. His main research areas are Aeronautical and Aviation Science and Science Management.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Orosz, Z. (2021). The First United Nations Chiefs of Defence Conference (2015) – Results and Experiences. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 144(2), 229–240. Elérés forrás

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