White Paper 2016, on German Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr: An Introduction on the New German Security Policy and Development of the Bundeswehr
German security policy, Future of the Bundeswehr, whole-of-government development, Comprehensive Approach, Embedded Security PolicyAbsztrakt
The new German “White Paper 2016” is a development process within the German security policy and gives a trend for the future development of the Bundeswehr. After a lot of public discussions about this paper, the German Federal Minister of Defence Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, presented on the 13th of July the new “White Paper 2016” as the key policy docu-ment of the German Government on security policy. This policy paper is the essential guide for the security policy decisions and actions of Germany. It creates a conceptual and conten-tual framework and provides links for further national and community-specific strategies. THE White Paper on Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr answers questions about the motives, interests and priorities that guide Germany’s international activities. It creates baselines for all authorities of the Federal Government so that they can further develop their instruments and strategies based on their specific needs. It also describes the participation of the Bundeswehr in providing the security for Germany and its allies as well as to a stable international community.
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