Terrorism as the Main Threat Regarding Major Powers and Europe


  • Dr. Kasznár Attila őrnagy


terror, terrorism, major power, European Union


Based on current trends terrorism will be one of the most challenging security challenges in the future. The many-faced, variable appearance of terrorism creates a new environment in which the direction of the threat often becomes unpredictable, hereby reducing the general sense of security, even if the actual level of threat does not increase. The peaceful and sustainable social coexistence is based on optimizing the sense of security. The fight against terrorism is only part of this task, but based on current trends it can be predicted to be one of the most important segments.

Információk a szerzőről

Dr. Kasznár Attila őrnagy

holds a PhD degree in Political Sciences from the University of Pécs. He is currently the head of the Counter-Terrorism Department of the Institute of National Security in the National University of Public Service. He is an expert of South and South East Asian issues and modern terrorism.






Hogyan kell idézni

Kasznár, A. (2017). Terrorism as the Main Threat Regarding Major Powers and Europe. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 145(2), 18–25. Elérés forrás https://kiadvany.magyarhonvedseg.hu/index.php/honvszemle/article/view/422

Folyóirat szám


Terrorizmus és terrorizmusellenesség