Remote Tower: the Development Vision of Location-independent Aerodrome Control Tailored for Military Purposes


  • Gábor Horváth



remote tower, location-independent aerodrome control, ATM, ATC


The first conceptual ideas regarding the provision of location-independent aerodrome control, also known as Remote Tower Service, were outlined over a quarter of a century ago. Despite the enormous technological leaps since then and the increasing prevalence of its application, the common notion persists that the paradigmatic symbol of air traffic control is a tower building with slanted windows, providing a circular view. Nonetheless, the tangible version of this concept developed directly for military purposes is yet to be unfolded but given proper nurturing, this technology has the capacity of positively transforming the conventional operational framework of military air traffic services, propelling its operational value. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to showcase the development directions that currently appear most promising from a military standpoint in the context of location-independent aerodrome control.

Információk a szerzőről

Gábor Horváth

Senior Air Traffic Management (ATM) Officer in the Hungarian Military Aviation Authority and a PhD candidate at Ludovika University of Public Service (MTMT: 10082823, ORCID: 0000-0002-2939-1426)


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Hogyan kell idézni

Horváth, G. (2024). Remote Tower: the Development Vision of Location-independent Aerodrome Control Tailored for Military Purposes. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 152(1-2), 64–73.

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Force Development