Military Leadership Competencies and the Mission Command Approach


  • Andrea Szabó Szabóné



mission command, competency, leadership, changing security and operational environment


Adequate responses – both from individuals and organizations – to the increasingly complex challenges of the 21st century presuppose a combination of leadership competencies essential for effective and successful mission accomplishment in the changing security and operational environment. Creating a network environment that characterizes today’s operations (also at the tactical leadership level) increases the commander’s responsibility. The increasingly complex operational environment demands that decentralization be emphasized in the decision-making process and the conduct of operations. Furthermore, the fleeting opportunities in emerging tactical situations also require quick reactions and timely and correct decisions of small unit leaders. The paper provides a short, summary analysis of mission command and the leadership competencies, capabilities, and skills necessary for the mission command approach.

Információk a szerzőről

Andrea Szabó Szabóné

Ministry of Defence Department of Military Heritage, deputy head of department; PhD student, Doctoral School of Military Science, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, National University of Public Service (ORCID: 0000-0001-7787-3238)


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Hogyan kell idézni

Szabó Szabóné, A. (2024). Military Leadership Competencies and the Mission Command Approach. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 152(1-2), 28–37.

Folyóirat szám


Military Leadership Competencies