Az algériai–marokkói–spanyol gázvita biztonságpolitikai összefüggései


  • Szabó Zsolt



Észak-Afrika, európai energiabiztonság, biztonságpolitika, földgáz, orosz–ukrán háború


The study examines the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict on the economic relations between the Maghreb countries (mainly Morocco and Algeria) and Europe, with particular regard to the increased energy demand of European countries. In this context, the gas pipelines and pipeline construction plans connecting the two regions, North Africa and Southern Europe, are presented and light is shed on the old conflicts and new sources of danger that make cooperation between the countries involved difficult, as well as the role played by international political forces in the affair. In this context, the study presents the economic potential with which the Maghreb countries could contribute to the diversification of Europe’s energy supply and the reduction of its dependence on Russian energy sources in the event of the settling their conflicts among themselves and the strengthening their internal political stability. Affordable energy is a key issue for European countries’ international economic competitiveness and security policy stability, and an important step on the way to this is the dynamic expansion of economic cooperation with North African countries.

Információk a szerzőről

Szabó Zsolt

az Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskolájának doktoranduszhallgatója, az Afrika Kutatóintézet junior kutatója (ORCID: 0000-0002-6226-2626; MTMT: 10075600)


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Hogyan kell idézni

Szabó , Z. (2024). Az algériai–marokkói–spanyol gázvita biztonságpolitikai összefüggései. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 152(3), 76–87.

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