The Role of Law Enforcement in Countering Hybrid Warfare


  • Bertalan Dávid alezredes



hybrid warfare, police, non-linear warfare, Ukraine, Russia


For the past six years, hybrid warfare has been one of the focal points of military science research. The activities and role of law enforcement agencies are only considered as complementary in most studies, although the police force is the first line of defence when a hybrid attack occurs, and is of particular relevance to the management of the crisis. The study discusses the historical background of hybrid warfare, the difficulty of definition, its model, and the law enforcement-related elements within it. An analysis of what happened in Ukraine in 2014 illustrates the concepts. The paper also offers some conclusions and recommendations at the end.

Információk a szerzőről

Bertalan Dávid alezredes

PhD candidate, Doctoral School of Military Sciences, National University of Public Service, Budapest


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Hogyan kell idézni

Bertalan, D. (2022). The Role of Law Enforcement in Countering Hybrid Warfare. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 149(1-2.), 35–46.