A Development trends of gas turbine aircraft engines, Part 4

The challenges of propulsion development





gas turbine engine, carbon dioxide emissions, alternative fuels, combustion chambers


In his study, the author presents the operation of propulsion systems, the basic principles of the thrust production, and deals in detail with the types of gas turbine propulsion systems and their structural design. He discusses the factors that determine the efficiency of engines, the possibilities and limitations in efficiency enhancment, as well as the correlations between efficiency and carbon dioxide emission, which are important due to the increasingly pressing climate change. He describes the measures aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions affecting international air traffic and what challenges they pose in terms of the development of aircraft engines. He investigates the possibility of using alternative fuels and their effect on the thermal efficiency and specific net work output of the engine. He deals with the design of the combustion chambers of gas turbine engines, chemical, thermodynamic and gas dynamic issues, and the composition of the combustion products.


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