A földi telepítésű légvédelem új, kis-közepes hatótávolságú rakétarendszere





Zrínyi DMDP, Ground Based Air Defence, Rebuilding of the National Air Defence Capability, NASAMS, AMRAAM, Sentinel Radar


As part of the Zrínyi Defence and Military Development Program the ground based air defence of Hungary will be equipped with a modern short to medium range ground based air defence missile system. The new system is the NASAMS (National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System) engineered and produced by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and US Raytheon Technologies. With this acquisition the ground based air defence of the country will be able to rebuilt its’ medium range and high altitude capabilities at the level of the XXI century technology. The acquisition contract was signed at the Hungarian Ministry of Defence on 30th November 2020. The delivery of the new systems will start in 2023.

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