A rádiófrekvenciás radarhálózatok előnyei és megvalósításuk kihívásai

Az ELM–2084 rádiólokátor-technológia alapján





Zrínyi Defense and Armed Forces Development Program, radar, Quasi Monostatic (KM), Artificial Intelligence, ELM-2084, ELM-2090


In recent years, the modernisation of the Hungarian Army and the Hungarian military industry have been accelerated extremely. It is in the process of acquiring advanced military equipment and technologies, which can fundamentally change the Hungarian military and its industrial conditions of the past 30 years. If we can take advantage of these opportunities in developing economic and military research, as well as creating service assets for the life-cycle support that inherent in international military cooperation, the military political prestige of Hungary can be significantly increased. The readiness skills of the Hungarian military engineering and military leadership can be also solved in a cost-efficient way and to be elevated to the requirements of our time.

Author Biography

István Balajti, NKE HHK Katonai Műszaki Doktori Iskola

Kandidátus, nyugállományú alezredes

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