Az MH Geoinformációs Támogatási Doktrína felülvizsgálata az újonnan rendszeresített technikai eszközök tükrében

Part 2




geospatial, support, doctrine, doctrine development, revision


The Geoinformation Support Doctrine the Hungarian Defense Forces (hereinafter referred to as HDF) issued in 2014 is currently being reviewed, in accordance with national specificities and requirements, ensuring the necessary conditions for cooperation between the EU and NATO nations, ensuring the interoperability of geoinformation materials. After a brief overview of the doctrine development of HDF, I present a professional justification of the necessary transformation of the doctrine and the possibility of rationalizations providing its use in practice. Within the doctrine to be developed for general use, through a key practical example, I briefly outline the principles of a geoinformation assessment and analysis system for security purposes that can be used for security and defense geographic analyses. One of my reasons to examine the doctrine is the integration of this planned system into it.

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