Russian Battalion Tactical Groups and the past 8 years of experience, Part 1




Russo-Urainian war, battalion, tactical group, order of battle, military reform


The BTG, or Battalion Tactical Group, is a combined-armed formation. The organizational structure of the BTGs was developed in line with the experience of the past decades, adapting to the manpower shortage in the Russian army in the 2010s. The purpose of this study is to outline the general picture of the organizational structure of the BTGs based on the events between 2015 and August 2022, and to provide supplements for the evaluation of subsequent operations. The BTGs successfully conducted offensive operations due to their significant firepower and mobility in the conflicts in Eastern Ukraine and in the early days of the 2022 war. However, certain shortcomings also surfaced. Therefore, while the concept behind the tactical formation appears sound, it needs further development.


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