Safety of passenger aircraft, Part 1




decision support, subjective decision, decision models, Small Aircraft Transportation System


Small Aircraft Transportation Systems that can be used in the same way as passenger cars, the realization of personal air traffic is a great possibility of the future. To create the conditions for this, the technical background is not enough it also needs to be created new principles, because most pilots of the future will have limited flying experience. An element of the important new principles is an analysis of the subjective decision-making mechanisms of pilots and the modelling of subjective decisions. The author of the study considers the control of small aircrafts as an active, endogenous, subjective system, and based on this analysis, he examines the safety of small aircraft. The results of the analysis is worth taking into account during working out the philosophy of small aircraft safety. Examining three main issues, the study firstly describes the control of the airplane, then the subjective analysis of the control, and finally analyses the landing of an airplane based on the outlined principles.


