Members of the Editorial Board

Col Gábor Boldizsár PhD

Col Gábor Boldizsár PhD is head of the Educational, Science Organisation and Cultural Department of the Ministry of Defence, and associate professor at the National University of Public Service (NUPS). He commenced his military career after graduating from the Kossuth Lajos Military College as a long-range reconnaissance team leader in Szolnok.

During his more than three decades of military career he served twice in UN missions (Mozambique, Kosovo) and three times in NATO missions (twice in ISAF and once in RSM), in different positions: as an observer, as a mentor and liaison officer, as a J357 chief and also as a commander.

After the military college he earned a BSc degree as an economics expert, and an MSc degree as a defence policy expert. He successfully defended his PhD thesis in 2009.

In the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) he participated in the development of the defence planning system and of the cognitive capacity of the HDF (CIMIC, PSYOPS, INO OPS).

His fields of research: encompass peace processes, operational environment for future complex missions, cooperation of their participants, furthermore, the relationship between society, the individual and the military, and the issues of decision-making and of command and control. He also teaches and publishes the results of researches in Hungary and abroad.

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