Luís Manuel Brás Bernardino PhD is an Infantry Lieutenant-Colonel at the Portuguese Army, qualified with the Staff Course. He holds a post-graduate diploma in Peace and War Studies in the New International Relations from Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL), a MA in Strategy from Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas – Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (ISCSP-UTL) and a PhD in International Relations from the same University.
He is a researcher at Centre for Angolan Strategic Studies (CEEA) and is currently conducting academic researches at Centre for International Studies at the University of Lisbon (CEI-IUL) in a project about “African Security and Defence Architectures”. He is a member of the International Relations section at the Lisbon Geographic Society, member of the editorial board of Revista Militar and editor of the Revista “PROELIUM” at the Military Academy.
Lieutenant-Colonel Luís Bernardino regularly participates in national and international seminars and frequently publishes articles in journals on the subject of security and defence in Africa. He is currently professor of Strategy and International Relations in Department of Post-Graduate Studies (DEPG) at the Military Academy in Lisbon and member of the Centre for Investigation, Development and Research of Military Academy (CINAMIL).