Members of the Editorial Board

Col Klára Siposné Kecskeméthy CSc

Col Klára Siposné Kecskeméthy CSc is the university professor of the Department of Operations Support, Institute of Military Leadership Training, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, National University of Public Service (NUPS).

She started her military career as a professional officer in 1990 at the ‘Tóth Ágoston’ Mapping Institute. She obtained her candidate degree from geography at the Slovakian Academy of Sciences.

Between 1993 and 2003 she occupied several positions at the Zrínyi Miklós Military Academy, at the Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence and later at the MoD Education and Science Organisational Department.

From 2003-2006 she worked as a faculty advisor at the NATO Defence College in Rome.

From 2007-2011 she was the Vice Rector for Education at the Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence.

She pursues a wide-ranging publishing activity, she has written more than 340 articles, studies and books, and she is the guest professor of foreign universities. She is the member of the editorial board of many domestic and foreign professional journals. Her book titled “A NATO-ban dolgozni, Rómában élni” (Working in NATO and living in Rome) was published in 2008, her latest books written with co-authors – “A Ludovika egykor és most” (Ludovika then and now), “NATO 4.0 és Magyarország” (NATO 4.0 and Hungary) – came out in 2018 and 2019 at the Zrínyi Publishing House.

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