Members of the Editorial Board

Col (Ret) Dénes Harai PhD

Col (Ret) Dénes Harai PhD is a university professor of the Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training, of the National University of Public Service (NUPS), the Candidate of Military Sciences, the member of the Committee on Military Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) Section IX.

Since 1988, he has been working as an academic professor and a leader in the military higher education, at the university and at its legal predecessor institutions. He specializes in pedagogy, pedagogical anthropology, ethics and interpersonal communication.

In his educational work he pays special attention to the development of the students participating in the doctoral training both as a supervisor and a consultant. Under his supervising activity 14 doctoral students have obtained the scientific degree. Moreover, he can take pride in his significant publication activities, marked by his seven independent scientific volumes and over one hundred professional studies published. He regularly performs revising tasks in respect of books and studies on pedagogy. He is a frequent lecturer at conferences, scientific meetings relating to his special field. He is the founding editor-in-chief of the academic journal titled Társadalom és Honvédelem published for fifteen years. For over a decade now, he has been the member of the editorial board of the Honvédségi Szemle.

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