Prof. Ing. Rudolf Urban, CSc. Dr. h. c. is a professor at the Department of Management and Informatics at the Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague. He studied economics and organizing with a focus on logistics. From 1973 to 1999 he worked in various military positions. In 2000 he began his academic career, which continues to this day. Again he worked in a number of academic positions. He was rector of the Military University of Ground Forces and Rector of the University of Defense in Brno.
He gained his professorship in 2003 in the field of State Defense Economics. Currently, he focuses on security, crisis management and population protection. He is a member of scientific councils at universities and general director of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. He works as an expert for the National Accreditation Authority of the Czech Republic. He completed a number of internships and study stays abroad. He worked as an expert in the NATO DEEP program. He is a member of the editorial board of the magazine in Croatia and Slovakia. He is a researcher of many national and foreign scientific projects. He has extensive publications with responses to the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases.
For his activities he was awarded the title Dr. h. c. at Zrinyi Mikos National Defense University and University of Defense in Belgrade.