A case study of the rivalry of terror-organizations: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian


  • Zoltán Prantner
  • András Kocsor


Yemen, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Daesh, terrorism


A sharp rivalry evolved in Yemen when Daesh gained foothold in the Arab country. Namely, Yemen was the stronghold of the al-Qaeeda in the Arabian Peninsula for a long time and the most effective branch of the international al-Qaeda network got a new dangerous concurrent on its own territory. Daesh proved to be successful and raised its popularity among the local radicals due to its brutal campaign against Shias. However, it seems nowadays that AQAP would be the final winner in this deadly competition due to its strength, influence as well as its more flexible and adaptive strategy.

Szerző életrajzok

Zoltán Prantner

Zoltán Prantner is an external lecturer at the Faculty of International Studies and History at the Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences. He holds a PhD in History of international relations between the Socialist countries and the states of the Arabian Peninsula. He has published various articles and book chapters, focusing on the Middle Eastern countries’ internal and external conflicts as well as their security problems in the modern era.

András Kocsor

András Kocsor received his bachelor’s degree in the Department of History of the University of Szeged in 2011. Although his thesis was about Eugène-François Vidocq and the formation of French organized crime, his true interest lies in the continent of Africa especially its early modern and modern history. His main focus is the short- and long term effects of colonialization on Africa, and on the geopolitical decision making, diplomacy and mere relations among colonial great powers, that were all heavily influenced by this phenomenon.






Hogyan kell idézni

Prantner, Z., & Kocsor, A. (2018). A case study of the rivalry of terror-organizations: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 146(2), 73–86. Elérés forrás https://kiadvany.magyarhonvedseg.hu/index.php/honvszemle/article/view/297