Katonai és haditechnikai hírek, információk a nagyvilágból


  • Gál Csaba ny. mk. ezredes


n. a.


Hadihírek a nemzetközi katonai és haditechnikai sajtó elmúlt néhány hónapjának terméséből.

Információk a szerzőről

Gál Csaba ny. mk. ezredes

okleveles repülőmérnök (Zsukovszki Repülőmérnöki Akadémia, Moszkva) Nyelvismeret: orosz, angol, szerb és horvát 


Ahronheim, Anna: Israel's Defense Ministry receives first images from Ofek 16 satellite. The Jerusalem Post, 14. 07. 2020. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/israels-defense-ministry-receives-first-images-from-ofek-16-satellite-635019

BAE Systems to integrate Hybrid Electric Drive onto a combat vehicle under U.S. Army contract. BAE Systems, 16. 07. 2020. https://www.baesystems.com/en/article/bae-systems-to-integrate-hybrid-electric-drive-onto-a-combat-vehicle-under-u-s--army-contract

Chinese PLA Conducts ‘Night Infiltration’ Exercise in Tibet. Defense World, 02. 06. 2020. https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27114/Chinese_PLA_Conducts____Night_Infiltration____Exercise_in_Tibet#.XvBexGd1OUk

DSCA Approves E-2D Advaced Hawkeye for France. SeaWaves Magazin, 08. 07. 2020. https://seawaves.com/?p=3300

ELOP JUPITER – Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Camera. Elbit Systems. https://elbitsystems.com/media/JUPITER_2016.pdf

Eshel, Tamir: Israel Deploys OFEK 16 Spy Satellite in Orbit. 13. 07. 2020. https://defense-update.com/20200713_ofek-16.html

Frantzman, Seth J.: Israel launches Ofek 16 satellite to complete intelligence coverage. Defense News, 06. 07. 2020. https://www.defensenews.com/space/2020/07/06/israel-launches-ofek-16-satellite-to-complete-intelligence-coverage/

Gould, Joe: Stop buying Turkey’s F-35 parts, lawmakers tell DoD. Defense News, 07. 07. 2020. https://www.defensenews.com/congress/2020/07/07/stop-buying-turkeys-f-35-parts-already-lawmakers-tell-dod/

Jones-Bonbrest, Nancy: Army awards contract for Hybrid Electric prototype. U.S. Army, 16. 07. 2020. https://www.army.mil/article/237331/army_awards_contract_for_hybrid_electric_prototype

Larter, David B.: After a Kerch Strait confrontation, the US beefs up Ukraine’s maritime forces. Defense News, 02. 07. 2020. https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2020/07/02/after-the-kerch-strait-confrontation-the-us-moves-to-beef-up-ukraines-maritime-forces/

Larter, David B. – Gould, Joe – Mehta, Aaron : Trump memo demands new fleet of Arctic icebreakers be ready by 2029. Defense News, 09. 06. 2020. https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2020/06/09/trump-memo-demands-new-fleet-of-arctic-icebreakers-to-be-ready-by-2029/

Mehta, Aaron: US approves $7.5 billion in foreign weapons sales in one day. Defense News, 06. 07. 2020. https://www.defensenews.com/global/the-americas/2020/07/06/us-approves-75-billion-in-foreign-weapon-sales-in-one-day/

NORAD Intercepts Two Russian Bomber Formations. Canadian Defence Review, 10. 06. 2020. http://www.canadiandefencereview.com/news?news/2879

Scott, Richard: US approves MK VI patrol boat sale to Ukraine. Jane’s, 19. 06. 2020. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/us-approves-mk-vi-patrol-boat-sale-to-ukraine

Simkins, J. D.: Photos show devastation unleashed on terror leaders by sword-carrying ‘Ninja bomb’. Military Times, 20. 06. 2020. https://www.militarytimes.com/2020/06/20/photos-show-devastation-unleashed-on-terror-leaders-by-sword-carrying-ninja-bomb/

Six F-35 Jets Meant for Turkey to be Handed over to US Air Force. Defense World, 12. 06. 2020. https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27193/Six_F_35_Jets_Meant_for_Turkey_to_be_Handed_over_to_US_Air_Force#.XwYk3Wd1OUk

US’s Knife-Wielding Ninja Bomb May Lead to ‘Normalization of Extrajudicial Killing’, Observers Fear. Sputnik News, 20. 06. 2020. https://sputniknews.com/military/202006201079671591-uss-knife-wielding-ninja-bomb-may-lead-to-normalization-of-extrajudicial-killing-observers-fear/

Украина в ОБСЕ: Россия держит на границе три группировки войск, способных к внезапному наступлению. Ukrinform, 02. 07. 2020. https://www.ukrinform.ru/rubric-ato/3055838-ukraina-v-obse-rossia-derzit-na-granice-tri-gruppirovki-vojsk-sposobnyh-k-vnezapnomu-nastupleniu.html




Hogyan kell idézni

Gál, C. (2020). Katonai és haditechnikai hírek, információk a nagyvilágból. Honvédségi Szemle – Hungarian Defence Review, 148(5), 165–171. Elérés forrás https://kiadvany.magyarhonvedseg.hu/index.php/honvszemle/article/view/134

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